121 Northstead Street, Scarborough WA 6019

Groups and Activities

Craft, Games and Art Group

Tuesdays, 12noon to 3.30pm (School term only)

Art group

There are no painting lessons, it is just a group of people who enjoy gathering to paint together. They paint in acrylics. Paintings done by this group adorn the walls in the hall and our Community Room which is where they do their painting.

Craft group

At the moment there is Paper Craft, Card making and knitting.

Games group

Rummy Kub is a popular game being played and we also have Scrabble and Sequence.

At 2.00pm the Art Group join with the Craft and Games Group for tea/coffee, notices and people take turns to read a meaningful piece, poem etc.

After this folk return to their various activities until 3pm. If anyone has a craft they would be willing to teach, we would love to hear from you!

Contacts: Olwen Henley (08) 9307 9848 or Claire Shaw (08) 9245 1464

Prayer and Meditation Group

7.30pm: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays

All are welcome who would enjoy an hour of quiet meditation and prayer. This is held in the Community Room of the church, entry by the side door on Northstead Street.